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What up SoFam! - (Soren quote)

This was the final day of our ministry in Barranco, Belize.

Our devotionals tonight had the verse from Matthew 5:16 that said, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." And this was a great verse for what we did in the school.

We began by watching the kindergarten's career day ceremony which entailed the students dressing up as different community service members. This was awesome as we all totally recalled what we dressed up as in kindergarten.

Once this ended, we sang father Abraham with the kids (like four times lol). Then we split into two groups; the older kids stayed outside and played sports and competitions while the younger kids went inside for games and crafts. The kids were all so polite and it was the most heart-warming thing ever. They were incredibly welcoming and treated us like their BFFs ("besties for the resties"-Lily). It was really sad to leave (especially when Shanaya asked when we'd be back 🥺). After the kids went to lunch we prayed with the teachers and staff. Something that stood out to me was when we shared requests and the principal asked for strength. She said, "I have everything else" and it showed how content they are. It may seem to us like they don't have much, but their lack of desire for things of excess is really touching.

We finished our time at Barranco by visiting the church we had painted and had lunch. We then met pastor Angie at her house where we got to bless her with communion cups, and a love offering. The coolest moment was at the very end when we prayed with her and she open and received the Holy Spirit pouring upon her. She was so kind and receptive.

As we said our goodbyes we embarked on the last drive of our 1.5 hr bumpy road excursion back to Punta Gorda. This was bittersweet to say the least. before going back we made a surprise stop at Copal Resort for a week well done linner (lunch-dinner). Here we had an amazing view, yummy nachos and chips and delicious dark chocolate.

From then on we did dinner, worship by a camp fire and devotions. Tonight was really good as we began to share more and more with each other about how our weeks serving have been and our team time together. This brought fruit of meaningful conversation and of course soccer until 11:45 when we all went to bed.

We are all excited to see you guys soon! Continue to pray for our teams travels and safety and the continued work on the hearts of each student and leader on this trip. Lastly, pray for the influence of not just love but of Jesus to be spread in Barranco through anything we were able to do.

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